Lowering your golf scores quickly is as simple as improving your putting — and we can help!

Putting constitutes 40% or more of all strokes in an average round. No other club in your bag is as important as your putter. It can be your best friend or more often your worst enemy. The majority of golfers go through putters like kids go through sneakers. Sadly, most never find a flat stick that can consistently make putts — especially important ones. That’s because the club itself is rarely the entire problem.

Absolutely anyone can learn to be a good putter — no special physical skills are required. Instead, you simply need some targeted instruction and a few vital drills to rehearse in order to see your scores plummet. As the old saying goes “a good putter is a match for anybody.”

About Putting Schools

We offer 3-hour putting schools at UGA Golf Course. In these comprehensive classes, we teach you the proper setup position so your putting stroke is natural for you. We will show you how to quickly and easily improve our ability to see the line of a putt. You’ll also learn putting’s most important skill — distance control. And most importantly of all, you’ll continue to hone these skills for the rest of your golfing life after we teach you a few fun drills and proper practice routines.

We will also properly fit you for a putter. The average putter length on tour is a little under 34 inches with an average height of 6 feet or more, yet the “standard” putter length today is still 35 inches! There is no way the average-built adult can get into a proper putting setup position with a 35-inch putter. We will show you what a properly fit putter can do for you.

Check the schedule of classes below and call John Crumbley at (706) 369-5739 or email him at [email protected] to sign up or for more information.

Upcoming Putting Schools

  • TBD

Price Information

  • TBD
  • Each class is limited to the first 8 students to sign up

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Located on the beautiful campus of the University of Georgia, our 18-hole course provides affordable, first-rate facilities and services and is widely regarded as one of the best university courses in the United States.

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